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    death note
    Monday, February 18, 2008 (11:15 AM)

    when i first caught the movie, i thought it was marvellous. amazingly intelligent. upon watching the anime, i am still as impressed if not more. with the kind of details in the anime, it's so intelligent, it's pretty sick. but a great story like this still has its flaws.

    episode 28 at 10:15 where the rules of the death note is stated...

    the names you see with the eye power of a god of death are the names needed to kill that person. you will be able to see the names even if tha[t] person isn't registered in the family registration.

    have you identified the flaw yet? even without any knowledge of death note, one may possibly be able to see this flaw.

    what is it that attributes the name to a person? what makes a name more "real" than another? aren't names just arbitrary symbols that we use to identify someone? if we get even more philosophical, we may even argue that the face is not part of a person but that'll be the work of a cynic, which i am not. at the very least, when a person is born, the looks and body comes with it to the world. not the name.

    to be more clear, what makes the "cat" sound we produce relate to the image of this? is there any inherent quality that it must be tied to this word? so what is it that determines a name? if a person isn't registered, it means that the name can be changed anytime, right? no? why not? afterall, there's no basis in what ties the person to the name. likewise, what makes a name "fake" if it isn't based upon the registered name? what power do the parents have to attribute that name? what power does the law have to approve that change?

    trust me. philosophy fucks...

    Sunday, February 17, 2008 (10:10 PM)

    recently i've been clearing the tables at kfc and macs and no, i'm not working there. something seem to have struck me and i've begun to think that since it doesn't take much effort to clear my own trays after eating, why not? yes, only my own lah... clear others later the staff thought i'm ding dong.

    my apologies for slipping into singlish.

    but nevermind one what, correct or not? in countries like japan, clearing your own trays is the norm. not clearing is not wrong but frowned upon. they even have separate bins for ice and cups that customers have to follow. here, it's simply throwing everything into one bin. so what's so difficult about that? start clearing your own trays people. it won't cramp up your muscles one lah. at least i don't believe you can eat that much also...

    #1 sweetheart
    Saturday, February 16, 2008 (5:00 PM)

    i've been listening to this song too much...
    and i'm still not over it...

    weird time
    Thursday, February 14, 2008 (9:52 PM)

    i always believed that the closer the day you are looking forward to comes, the slower time becomes. oddly though, time seem to be zooming after the midway mark for me. all of a sudden, i'm down to 56 days. and that's including weekends, off, leave, public holidays and all shit. goodness gracious...

    "minor" gender
    Wednesday, February 13, 2008 (8:20 PM)

    for some reason, we were talking about statutory rape today and it came across my mind why is it that when a 15 year old boy and a 15 year old girl performs sexual acts, the former is charged with having sex with a minor and not the latter when both are minors. nevermind if this is an accurate understanding of the law here but when posed this question, a camp mate of mine answered without missing a beat, "because girls are the minor gender."

    i'm supposing that by "minor", he meant the weaker or disadvantaged. but if we go by the rationale of statutory rape, it seems to assume that the "minor" is incapable of making sound decisions even if this minor is a so-called "willing party". this then, appears to suggest the opinion that the female gender is less than their male counterpart. at least i can safely assume that this particular camp mate thinks so.

    this is not just a form of sexism that is prevalent in himself but it is apparent that, this is what we are made to suppose. when we try to make sense of things that we don't understand, things like that pop up. it was only until much later that statutory rape can be charged upon an adult female who has sex with a boy under the "legal" age.

    now this is not an entry of an irrational gynocentric. this is fair. i'm not a feminist i reiterate. just trying to be fair.

    speaking of camp, i can't help but do yet another countdown. 123 days and half of which has passed. 60 days remaining. barely 40 work days. i can do it. OHS!

    kirino natsuo
    Monday, February 11, 2008 (9:36 PM)

    in only her second translated work to english, i'm pretty hooked onto her works. with out, she has made me accomplish one thing that i never did - that is to finish a book that thick. perhaps by the measures of your standards, what i read wasn't that thick. but this is again a relative concept. i apologise for my repetitively sick attempt at rationality. i'm currently on grotesque and i intend to make it last till i officially retreat from dullness.

    i have to admit, i didn't like the initial writing style in grotesque. in an attempt to converse to the reader, kirino compromised the level of professional writing to the extent that it appeared amateurish. the original work in japanese may have been better but when translated to english, it sounds like what my D7 student can manage. in my 6 months with her, we merely had 12 lessons. she did another D7 during mid-year but by 'o' levels, she got a B4. i'm proud of her though i feel i can't claim much of the credit. i digress. the fault lies with translation. the level of maturity falls when translated to another language though the translator is no doubt of a respectable magnitude.

    on this light, my demon is coming out. my camp mates think i'm sick to be reading kirino's books. am i? what captivates us most is our innermost desires that cannot be fulfilled in this geometricised world. or perhaps, we're just sick voyeurs. yes we are. my demon is one. there's perhaps another in me... or more.

    there's a demon in everyone. i quote grotesque.

    problematic actress
    (8:52 PM)

    the most problematic mediacorp actress is probably dawn yeoh. among the few shows she has starred in, she has constantly been cast as a challenged character.


    does she have the face of a challenged person? let's see what mediacorp is up to next...

    Sunday, February 03, 2008 (9:27 PM)

    i must've been nuts to have caught the chestnuts musical twice this year. it was really good. the first ticket was free since guang was part of the audio engineering crew but today, it was still good despite knowing the jokes already. i missed the past 10 years coz i didn't know of their existence. now i'm going nuts...