i can't wait. i can't wait to graduate. and another 13 weeks after school reopens, i'll be almost there. i want to get a life. is that an irony or what. yes, as students we seem to have a lot more time at hand but as long as i'm not working, i don't see how i can enjoy myself. there's no income, only outcome. and the only outcome is outgo.
i have a lot of room to breathe now. i have horizontal space but the pressure from above is pressing my vertical room. and of all things, i have to be tall. *duh*
ok so i realised i'm getting in to the grade chasing pack. or am i? grades didn't really bother me when i was in my 1st year. somehow, i'm beginning to be more conscious of it. i don't know if it's a good thing but whatever it is, i want out.
working world, here i come!
when you're wearing a nike shirt. coz the chance is, the salesperson is wearing the same thing as you are, which happened to me. and i didn't notice until after a while. so i went out the shop and after some time, the salesperson came out, with an additional windbreaker. so he noticed that we were wearing the same thing. it's like going to a restaurant dressed like the waitering crew!
a thought suddenly came into my mind and i was wondering, what was the best/worst lie you've ever told? leave it in comments if you don't mind. not on the tagboard since it won't be easily retrievable when it rises up the table and vanish and also, you may post as anonymous if you'd prefer to remain "mysterious". =D
thank goodness they still have whatever. if not, i wonder if anything's going to survive for long. it's reported in today's chinese papers that carbonated drinks that contain sodium benzoate kills cells and causes the hardening of the liver. it can also severely damage the dna of mitochondrion (like i know what that is). when mixed with vitamin c, cancer-causing benzoate is formed.
i have no idea what the contents of anything is but based on its concept, i am wondering if they do print the ingredients on the can itself. if not, there's a good chance people who know about such news like myself will abstain from carbonated drinks. though i don't exactly drink much of it.
well, i guess we can still bank on whatever.
just when i thought no one is going to do it, a perverted japanese player had to emerge and prove that there are people, or rather "is person" who can complete a perverted game with 1 credit. of course what you're about to see is the first part of the perverted game mushihimesama whereas in an earlier post, that was the 2nd part but, believe me you, this is not the least easier than the other. when adidas says impossible is nothing, i think they mean it.
part 1 of 5
part 2 of 5
part 3 of 5 (missing at the moment)
part 4 of 5
part 5 of 5
if some freakin pornography or sex game is what you are looking for, sorry, that isn't what i'm going to post here. but this game is really perverted. at least i think its creators are. what kind of monster can finish this game in the arcade with one single credit?! i think it's made for ps2 as well but at least in ps2, you probably can have unlimited continues but at an arcade?!
if any of you can finish this boss (i'm not talking about the whole game), just this boss alone (3 lives per credit), let me know, i sure want to witness history in the making.
now would you still want to spend your hard-earned money at the arcade?
it's an old joke saying singapore is a fine city but from where i am speaking, i think it's really fine to be a fine city.
i've met japanese friends who think that if one litters in singapore, it's a ticket to jail. do not pass go, do not collect $200. for some time, i had been wondering what gave them that idea (minus the passing go and $200) and thought it might actually be good that singapore is seen in this light. at least that could be a reason why the japanese typically do not litter (not supported by empirical evidence).
remember some time ago, australian national, nguyen van tuong was hanged for smuggling drugs past singapore borders and all the uproar over the death penalty saw some australians boycotting singapore. the reason for the boycott was not so much due to the death penalty but more of how it is carried out - by hanging. people think it's inhumane. sure it is. but that's not my agenda here.
i think about the fact that some countries do not practice the death penalty. the maximum one gets is probably life imprisonment. then you start to think, why does singapore impose the death penalty? is it too severe? i'm not here to judge but what brought me to this topic was an even more shocking news in today's straits times.
2 newly-promoted managers of a bank in china embezzled company funds. that probably doesn't sound like something that shocking (as in embezzlement) but what came as more of a shock is that, most of the sgd$10 million stolen were spent on lottery tickets. the reason? they thought they could win enough to replace the initial amount they stole. in the end, they realised they could only flee when they didn't manage to win which resulted in a nationwide call for their arrest.
as if that isn't shocking enough, straits times reported that, if convicted for corruption and illegal use of public fund, they would be executed. now aren't you glad that singapore is a fine city? of course in such circumstance you'd be jailed. just don't harp on passing go and collecting $200.

this place made me discover a few things about the ang moh gang
i learnt that alvin is called derrick
i learnt that hannah can't play dai dee
i learnt that alicia is married
i learnt that serene doesn't follow instructions
and i learnt that i can't self-take photo properly
i learnt that alvin has a large following
i learnt that hannah is afraid of dogs
i learnt that alicia sings with serene
i learnt that serene sings with alicia
and i learnt that i'm the only one without an ang moh name

it's always nice to know that your town council didn't get anyone to proof-read the signs at your neighbourhood workout area.
(image taken at maplewood park along lorong ah soo)

along side, alongside 傻傻分不清楚
(image taken on a bumboat commuting pulau ubin)

the mission is to find mr. continue. we are supposed to be able to find 'Q' on his "behind"
(image taken at donut factory - courtesy of ms ng)
and who says only the integrated resort creates jobs? if enough people view these, we'll have more jobs as proof-readers. hurray for english majors! to bring this to a closure, we cannot neglect our health care workers. sbs obviously didn't.

the flat panel seems to say fire extinguisher. stare at this image long enough and you'll be able to see the fire extinguisher in it. O_O
(image taken on sbs 151)
as more singaporean architects make a name for themselves locally and overseas, we ought to stop and wonder who did the blueprint for the housing estates.

the following does not represent my stand but what is about to come is pretty scary. minus pretty.
on worldslastchance.com, there is a frightening revelation of the biblical beast. upon the many "evidences" and "historical facts" - it is not in my place to argue its credibility - the site has come to a shocking conclusion what the biblical beast is and who the image of the beast is.
So, who or what is the biblical beast? according to the site, the beast is none other than the roman catholic church. surprising? unbelievable? and the image of the beast is the united states of america. this perhaps is less shocking. -_-"
presenting the so-called "facts" is not the agenda of this entry since these "evidences" are quite long. but if you're interested to find out, you may click on the google ad above with the heading Revelation 17 Reveals.
disclaimer: this does not represent my stand and i am not spreading this as "truth". just something i happen to come across which i thought is an interesting read. stop judging and just read for the fun will you?
can't type much now. gotta go give birth to chocolate babies.

(image taken at nus business canteen)
Dear students, keyboards in this room will not be equipped with the Enter key as it is a privilege of the staff.
(image taken at nus forum co-op)

Dear customer, no matter where you go, we guarantee that our reasons are more hygenic than you could ever find.
(image taken at forever 21 vivocity)

singapore is populated by 4 million person. you are just A PEOPLE.
(image taken off an sbs bus)

Dear shoppers, in case of unsatisfactory babies, please drop over at the baby changing station and our staff will gladly help you change your baby.
(image taken at singapore expo)
i figured i can post images using my laptop though my tiny brain can't really figure out why it doesn't work on my desktop. let's check out miss ng's first attempt at fried teochew mee! i mean hokkien mee.

i'd bet you've never heard of fried teochew mee. it was the first time i tried it yesterday and had wanted to upload some images of it but the formatting buttons have some problems. anyone can tell me why? T_T
i just found a dumb function of ms powerpoint. while i was trying to print 2 copies of lecture notes at 9 slides per page, rather than printing 2 sets, the intelligent program decided to print both in a continuous fashion. if you still do not understand what i mean, try doing it the next time. remember, it's slides, not handouts.
i wanna post images T_T
i've been doing a lot of thinking lately. in fact, searching for some answers to the plethora of issues that has been bugging me. having an uncompartmentalised brain, i could only do it by shutting myself out. or so, i thought. mistake.
i googled my conscience and couldn't find it. where was it? then, a doll brought me back. an amazing one at that. at the end of the episode, i realised that it's been here all along. but i had to choose to go one big round to find it. *dumbo*
it isn't the first time, won't be the last time. as long as people continue sleeping on the buses and not orientate their hollow shell against the window, there'll be more victims like me.
this group of invertebrates are characterised, other than their lack of a spinal column, by dropping their heads when they sleep and body occasionally leaning in our direction. when the bus moves, their unsupported bodies start swaying to-and-fro.
the surprising thing is, they always swing more fro than to and end up getting nearer and nearer to us occasionally resting against our shoulders. the luckier ones will see me bearing with the suffering, occasionally fidgeting my shoulder in an attempt to shake him straight. the slightly unlucky ones will see me nudge him awake. the unluckiest of all will have me push him awake. i'm not trying to be sexist when i use the term him to talk about men and women. the fact is, it really is just men. why?
firstly, the female species are, according to my empirical studies, predominantly vertebrates who support themselves quite well. secondly, there are those who align themselves such that their weight will rest in the direction of the window, which then shows uncontestable intellect. and thirdly, i wouldn't really mind if a lady rests on me. =) *色伯伯* i'm a minor weightist so i'd say no to kang hanna. thing is, i probably wouldn't be able to push her at all and instead get crushed by her 200 pound frame. but speaking of the show, i think it's pretty touching. a good watch. at the end of it, you'll start to miss original hanna.
kudos to korean script writers.
ps: this does not include the ones who wrote bewitching attraction.
my grandma has often been in the mood to spice things up a bit. and by "things", i mean our clothes and by "a bit", i mean a lot! apparently, dad's choice of boss and kenzo didn't come off that well for grandma and she decided to brew some concoctions of her own, minus the packaging but triple the effect.
in the past, we used to get a pure, single-layered smell on our clothes. these days, she has decided to try some mixing and by "try", i mean do. but her way of mixing isn't what you guys are thinking. it's not like i mix ingredient fragranto + ingredient aromatio and presto! you get a bottle of tommy hilfigers. it's more like i get ingredient pickletto on your clothes first, ferment it under the sun, then i get ingredient shrimpasto on it the next day. leave them to settle and voila! you've got grandma hellfingers!
i haven't really checked whose clothes are hanging in the kitchen but these clothes will have a limited edition perfume by madame hellfingers. and here, i'll let you in on the secret recipe. on the first day, you cook spicy acar (malay word for pickles). on the second, you fry belacan (malay word for shrimp paste). and not to forget, while all these are being done, do not, i repeat, DO NOT turn on the oil-and-smoke sucker. ok fine, my english sucks. i was trying to say 吸油烟机. so there you go. all you need is a little packaging and business starts rolling.
afterwords: i'm beginning to agree that the previous font size was really small. no wonder it is called "small". now i'm using "normal".
the following was stolen from my cuz's page. muwahaha... but i think it's worth a read.
Once upon a time there was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants. The race began. Honestly, no one in crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. You heard statements such as: "Oh, WAY too difficult!!" "They will NEVER make it to the top." or "Not a chance that they will succeed. The tower is too high!" The tiny frogs began collapsing. One by one, except for those, who in a fresh tempo, were climbing higher and higher. The crowd continued to yell, "It is too difficult!!! No one will make it!" More tiny frogs got tired and gave up. But ONE continued higher and higher and higher. This one wouldn't give up! At the end everyone else had given up climbing the tower, except for the one tiny frog who, after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top! THEN all of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it. A contestant asked the tiny frog how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal. It turned out that the winner was DEAF!!!
The wisdom of this story is: Never listen to other people's tendencies to be negative or pessimistic because they take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you - the ones you have in your heart! Always think of the power words have because everything you hear and read will affect your actions! Therefore, ALWAYS be POSITIVE and above all, be DEAF when people tell YOU that you cannot fulfill your dreams! Always think: I can do this!