morale booster or damper?
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 (6:47 PM)
i've met another secondary school classmate, hazel, at cineleisure yesterday. she has also started her own retail outlet selling female clothes. not a shop at the moment, just a push-cart but talk is on the way for her own shop somewhere in town. i'm not to reveal where for the time being. these people keep appearing before me. entrepreneurs. are they here to kill my morale or motivate me to work harder? it's really up to myself to decide. things good and bad happen everyday. how we see its purpose is really up to us. would you choose to wallow in self-pity or pit yourself against these challenges?
for some spare cash, i'd like to teach japanese to people interested. preferably people i already know. if you are interested in learning, i'm charging a mere $100 for 3 months. basically, the 3 months cover the same elementary 1 contents that are taught in almost every language school. so if you'd like all elementary contents to be covered which would usually take 9 months, i'd charge $250 for it. *guaranteed to pass jlpt4 upon completion of my course. interested parties, leave me a message with your email address. i'll get back to you asap.
*results may vary
eric johnson and sis' generosity
Sunday, September 25, 2005 (7:00 PM)
this will be a really short post since sis is bugging me to go get dinner for her now.
selling a once in a lifetime chance to catch eric johnson in concert has really displayed sis' generosity. everyone who knows the story seems to be pushing me to go for his concert despite having sold my ticket. sis is offering to pay for my ticket but that'll depend if i can still get a good seat so as to be able to either swap the ticket with josephine's brother or at least still be sitting with my friends.
eric johnson has shown me my sis' real generosity. money is really not that important, or is it? but i'll still have to think if i really want to spend this money despite it not being mine. the incredible guitarist's first and probably last concert in singapore is truly a valuable one in every sense of the word. if angelina jolie is reading this, please read the previous post. =)
a once in a lifetime chance - lost
Saturday, September 24, 2005 (10:55 AM)
it's typical of people - me included. when you don't have something, you would very much want to get it and when you get it, you start seeing all the negative aspects of it. then you'll try to get rid of it. upon succeeding, you regret it. of course i'm not referring to relationships because i'm a very faithful person. when i'm in a relationship, i only have my girlfriend in my eyes, no other girls come into my view - not even angelina jolie.
as mentioned, i had a once in a lifetime chance but i lost it. it's really because i chose to give it up. 20 over years in the music industry, eric johnson is coming to singapore for the first time. surprisingly, the tickets aren't as expensive as i expected. being one of the most incredible guitarists ever, it's really incredible for me to be able to get a $75 ticket which isn't the cheapest ticket to his concert. i had dreamed of watching him perform live. even though now that i got the chance, i realised i could only choose between living and entertainment. i chose to live. thus, i sold the ticket to josephine's brother. eric johnson's over 50 years of age now and chance is, he won't be coming again. i'd probably regret this but i need to prioritise, learn to give up unnecessary things. but the good news is, josephine's brother offered to guide me in guitar for free. not really offered, but i requested for it. haha... though i don't really know how good he is, i suppose any one is better than me.
i actually thought the previous post was gone due to some error but hey! it was actually drafted into the server so all i had to do was to open it and click on publish. i'm in a job hunt mode now and hope to get a desired job soon though it's really gonna be tough.
i noticed recently that what i see on television drama serials and news are - or rather were - actually happening around me. i won't say what because i've learnt that things are forever logged on computers unless the harddisks are destroyed.
anyway, i received a nice mail from mari. she asked if i am going to japan again any time soon. i said it's quite unlikely due to my financial status and told her to come instead. haha... they are really a fun group of friends to be with. hope to see them again.
last thing, if angelina jolie is reading this, i don't have a girlfriend now. =)
pursuing a passive life
Wednesday, September 21, 2005 (10:19 AM)
this is no longer something new but i'm beginning to see more and more of what has been going on. we have been blindly in pursue of higher qualifications which in fact secures us jobs as an employee. the world has decided we should prepare to work for others the moment we are born. when we reach 4 or 5 year old, the 'contract' begins taking effect. but are qualifications really the key to earning big bucks? not really.
i've seen a former secondary school mate who dropped out of school before 16 and people were probably thinking then that she's not going to make it big ever. now she's a singer making big bucks. i have a cousin whom i'm not that close to but if i didn't remember wrongly, he didn't further his studies after secondary school. now he's the boss of a networking company. i have a camp mate, no doubt he is in university now, his value has shot to 6-digit within 1 year after his 'a' levels all because of his hard work. another cousin with whom i'm close to has been trying to strike out since his secondary school days. no doubt he is not rich now, he has been reaping quite an amount and i believe, rich he will be one day. i have another 2 friends who graduated with a diploma and worked during the holidays. how far do you think one can go working during the holidays? they both rose to managerial position and are now permanent staff in the company. another good friend of mine from polytechnic who had no idea how a computer works when he first took up the information technology/internet computing course. now he's making a name for himself in the design industry without any formal education in graphics design and his design has been featured in major design magazines and even printed for apparel sales.
all these success stories are purely based on the determination to succeed, the self-discipline to work hard and the courage to venture. i am currently in pursue of a degree in a university which ranks number 18 in the world. so what? i'm not making any amount of money. i do not own half as much as they do. i have nothing to my name and i'm spending like i am working. now i can't do that anymore because my account is dry. the bigger problem? i need to start fretting over my school fees.
does higher qualification really make you big money? you probably have given yourself an answer. a degree is a ticket to working for others. we seem to be in pursue of a passive life, working for others, not having to fret so much about the various aspects of company functions as long as what we are doing is working fine. of course the current situation seems to be 3 in 4 people wants to venture out. but taking risks is not all that is required to make it big. a lot of research needs to be done. a lot of hardwork needs to be put in. just take a look at far east alone. how many apparel shops have started and closed down? these people had reasonable financial backing yet things didn't work out.
yes, i'm feeling a bit in the dumps now but that's not what i should stick to. these stories are to motivate you and me to start working hard. not to throw you further down. come on people, it's time to get your bum off the chair. stop reading this blog and start working hard.
p.s: i was just kidding when i said to stop reading this blog.
a $600 experience
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 (7:31 PM)
would you spend $600 just for an experience in the business world? not exactly business world. rather, $600 to have a shot at starting your own business online to find at the end of the day that it didn't reap any benefit. i don't really know what i'm feeling. of course it's quite an amount for someone like me who had only $2000 to my name and before i know it, i'm left with $1.4k.
i could've saved that amount of money for a 2nd hand ibanez rg550 from desmond which he's selling at $880. i could've gotten a boss/digitech multi-effects pedal with some top up or i could've gotten the $125 ticket for eric johnson's concert in ucc (i got the $75 ticket instead) and still have over $400 left. i don't really know what i'm feeling now. it was a good experience and $600 was really worth the experience. it gave me an insight into starting businesses. it provided me valuable understanding to starting businesses that cannot be learnt by words. to be honest, i feel the ache because $600 is not a small sum for a student like me who has no allowances or salary coming in. i just hope to make myself feel better by seeing the positive aspect of it.
for the past few weeks, i've also learnt that i need to learn to say 'no'. i went to storm for a haircut alone and got talked into going for a promotional treatment, followed by a hair dye because i didn't know how to say 'no'. i went to california fitness for a 2 weeks trial but got talked into signing up for membership because i didn't know how to say 'no'. and i end up spending much more money than i expected. i need to control my expenditure now. i'm back to my old ways which is not a good sign. i always save up a lot and spend all on something expensive.
the good news is that i received marksmanship award of $200 last week which was a surprise because we were told there won't be rewards. and i'll be expecting another $120 coming in from the sale of my electronic dictionary. i'm at the stage where i need to resort to selling my stuff to survive again. the last time it happened, i was in a worse situation - $12 in my bank and i had to sell my peavey amplifier for $50 just to get by till i enlisted - so i should make sure that this scenario never happens again. i've stopped further expenditure towards my marketing efforts and can only see what comes out of it.
google me
Friday, September 09, 2005 (5:40 PM)
it's been a long time since my last entry. i didn't want to be doing this but still, there's a reason why i'm doing it. anyway, anyone who caught the straits times today might want to check out the comic strips under life. i'm not a blog fanatic so i'm not going to scan the strip and post it up. besides, the straits times reported that just got sued because someone downloaded a copyrighted image of a model from perspective models (if my memory didn't fail me) and uploaded to their site. apparantly, the law now attacks the company hosting the site instead of individuals who uploaded the image because, 'it's the company's responsibility to review every upload' (not an exact quote but to the same extent). if i do upload the comic strip for you to see, google might get sued. i just found out recently that blogger belongs to google. did you know that?
just some information on the comic strip (not really a strip, it was just a picture), it shows some girl googling the guy who treated her to a glass of wine before deciding if she wants to talk to him. some time ago, my lecturer spoke of 'googling' and there are employers who actually do that to look up more information on their prospective employees before hiring them. so i tried googling myself (it only works with full names) and an entire list of korean sites sprang up with many of them having the same name as me. so, now i'm korean. annyeonghaseyo. but i've been trying to make myself more mentally deficient by studying spanish. no hablo mucho espaƱol. i'm not saying that learning spanish makes one mentally deficient. check back on my previous entry - some people claimed that being multi-lingual equates to being mentally deficient so in their terms, i'm getting mentally deficient. the sad thing is, i love languages.
people say ignorance is bliss. i believe that because now that i know you can never delete your entries off computers, i can't express myself that freely anymore. in case you didn't know, anything submitted online or saved on your harddisks can never be deleted. the delete key is a deception. you just don't see it anymore. how else did you think the so-called 'lost' files can be recovered? so if i ever do make mistakes, it'll be archived and brought up against me a million years down the road as long as the harddisk containing the information is not destroyed. though i believe doing a low-level format would do the trick of making a clean getaway, i am not so sure anymore. come on people, that's the way i am. i crack unwise jokes all the time and if you're going to charge me based on my harmless and unintentional offences, i'm going to become a really dull person to hang out with. so please, i need to clarify, i never do harmful things deliberately and i hope i've not defamed or slandered anyone especially power houses because i can't afford a court case.
look, google has grown so much that, from a noun, it has become a verb. even more amazing, look, it has different forms!
1) i want to google my employee.
2) i googled my employee yesterday.
3) i am googling my employee now.
no wonder microsoft is feeling uneasy about its growth. has anyone ever said, 'i am microsofting my employee' or 'i am windowsing my employee'? but hey, don't get freaked out. at least we have windows everywhere. on buses, trains and plenty in every home. in fact, every household here has just changed their windows to even more secure windows. isn't that good news?
finally, blame it on what i've learnt but i need to protect myself so, i need to declare that all information listed may not be accurate. do not take my word for it. you guys are smart readers. you should know when i'm just kidding.
ps: the part about you guys being smart readers, i'm just kidding =)