apparently, some people have made claims that multi-linguals are mentally deficient as compared to mono-linguals. well, so good news for most people and bad news for me and to think that i'm considering taking up more languages. so by theory of the claims, it must be that the more languages i learn, the more deficient my brain becomes.
and by that definition, arsene wenger's probably one of the more mentally deficient people in the world. and the shocking news is, he's earning much more than what you and i are reaping. we are definitely not doubtful that most football managers are 'more mentally deficient'. otherwise, how do they communicate with players from other countries who do not speak their language?
with people who make such claims, definitely there will be people who are proving that multi-linguals are smarter. but let's not deal with that. after all, we are all human. there's no difference in level of intellect by the number of languages you speak or your gender. one of the articles today spoke of men being smarter than women. what a load of crap. i'm not a feminist activist but i'm not a chauvinist too. i just believe in factual things. the papers listed examples such as the fact that more men won the nobel prize than women but i believe that many women were deprived of the chance to win the prize because of the feudalism in the past. not because they are less intelligent.
also, the article said that explains why there are more men who become grand chessmasters. come on, how many women are actually that interested in chess. i think they need to take into account the ratio of participation by women instead of just plain crap nonsense plus, this kind of data will never be accurate because we can have 99% of women who are good at chess but those who join chess are the remaining 1% and at the same time, we can have only 2% of men who are good at chess and these 2% all play chess. you see what i mean? in that case it would appear that men are better chess players since they have more better players (according to the weird definition by some people) but the fact is not the case.
i'm not pro-feminist but i think we need to face the fact that women are no lesser than men. gender has no meaningful effect on intelligence.
no matter what people say, i will not believe that either gender is more intelligent. even if you think that i'm of the lesser intelligent men to be saying this, i don't really care because in my opinion, people who say men are smarter than women are probably more multi-lingual than anyone else in this world.
i heard this girl on bus saying 'sah-mer-rais' repeatedly. i was wondering if she was talking about samurais, so being a nosey parker, i listened intently (not that i needed to since she was sitting beside me). it turns out, she isn't talking about samurais, rather 'summarize'. ambiguity in phonetics.
then there's this interesting stuff i read on my tutorial sheet: 'needless to say, plagiarism will result in immediate failure'. isn't it cool? they say it even when they term it 'needless to say'. i suppose it's just an expression. ah... that reminds me of ross when arguing with rachel, who came on to who that caused rachel's pregnancy. check this out:
ross: you were the one who came on to me. you were sending me begging signals all over the place.
rachel: what? show me how i did that? am i sending you signals right now?
ross: i can show you! i have a tape!
everyone: what!?
ross: it's an expression...
of course, at the end of the day, we realise ross indeed taped them having sex (of course we didn't see it. f.r.i.e.n.d.s is situational comedy, not pornography). and ross gets into trouble because rachel is angry that he taped them doing it. and the funnier part is, when ross brings the tape to rachel to destroy it herself, rachel decides to see it because according to her, '...(ross) so much don't want others to see it, that makes me want to see it, do you see it?' and the conversation goes:
ross: rachel, no.
rachel: why? you don't want them to see you begging me?
ross: rachel, please...
rachel: oh, how about a little preview?
you probably don't get the situation till you watch it yourself. it's hilarious. damn, miss friends again.
moving on, today i read about modernization and westernization and apparently, these 2 do not equate, for those of you who think they do. mindless imitation and assimilation of western culture does not mean one is modernized. neither does being in trend equate to being modern. you are just in vogue. that's all. modernization is by definition 'the systematic and purposeful application of modern scientific culture to improve life'. that's it! it has nothing to do with being in trend or being westernized. i used to have a friend who said he wants to turn christian. i asked him, 'why? do you have faith in Jesus?'. he said, 'no, because it's more westernized'. -_-"
but of course, he didn't convert. we were in secondary school then so i guess he didn't think that much and kids say the darndest things! so kids, don't blindly imitate the westerners. we ought to learn the good from them, but not adopt, just adapt.
so watcha doon next?
i read my previous post (perhaps narcissistic to some extent) and guang's entry. it seems like we're all going down with some pessimism and i noticed my entries have been pretty negative about the going-ons around. i used to wonder 'if only pandora hadn't opened that box', would life have been better then? i suppose it's not possible. negativities are inevitable and the tale of pandora's box probably exists to explain why unhappiness and illnesses happen. it's human nature to grumble about all the unhappiness but we need to understand that there's no happiness without it's corresponding opposite. if the world population stand at 1m, none of us are short because there's no 'tall'. similarly, none of us are tall because there's no 'short'.
so hey, my first paragraph read optimism despite solemn.
i've not seen guang this crazy about 'someone' in a long time since 'someone else' and this 'someone' turns out to be a 2nd degree 'friend' of mine. anyway, i doubt my friend remembers me.
so i'm in to the 3rd week of school and tutorial begins. the agenda for the first tutorial reads - "form project groups" - what the heck? it's only the first tutorial. looks like they are not planning to give us any appetizers before serving us the main dishes in uni. then there's this whole lot of readings that i couldn't finish. it is actually humanly possible but i really couldn't get the information in to my head plus i have really short attention span.
as far as i've come (not that it's been really long), i haven't reached the stage where i'm lazy enough to just type a short entry. this is a test of your attention span on my entry. and now you notice i've run out of things to type thus this paragraph of crap.
i'm missing japan again. the 11 days trip we had was really fun. initially, we had a plan to visit japan again come next march but the current financial situation seems to be saying, 'no'. i wonder when i'll get the chance to save enough to travel again. i've also been wanting to visit sweden for reasons i don't understand. i just feel an affinity with the country so much so that in every sporting event, i support sweden (except for gymnastics which i'd root for russia). needless to say, any country coming up against singapore, i'll definitely be behind my motherland.
next, most people are wondering i suppose, 'fat me'? obviously it's out-of-the-world thing to say i'm fat but i've not been exercising since disruption. my ippt gold is probably reduced to a pass now. no wonder the batch isn't shining gold. the probably expected it to dip anyway. how many people actually exercise after leaving camp? guang does. others i really doubt.
so if you are those who exercise after leaving camp, please send an email to *
*server configured to reject liars
i've sinned again.
sin #1: i said i wouldn't touch this anymore and it really isn't my thing. everytime i do this, i get irritated and feel some detest for it but... it's weird. i feel some kind of shame when i do this and i don't like telling people i blog except for close friends but still this is a medium to vent everything and be open about talking.
sin #2: i've used caps in the previous entry, but hey, i didn't have much choice. i cannot not use caps in that case.
sin#3: i've promised to tell everyone some day, the reason why i blog and now i decided, no.
sin#5: i've promised not to skip 4s.
anyway, i caught 'shoot' on tv and there's this talk about piracy. the lawyer said if we purchase a cd and rip the songs to our harddisk or mp3 player, it's illegal and considered as piracy. but hey, doesn't paying for a song means that we own the right to listen to it? when we purchase a song to download online, it's legal right? so when we pay for a cd, isn't it the same as buying the song? we are just putting it elsewhere to listen to it. i don't see why it's illegal as long as we don't distribute it. hello? we paid for the song and we should have the right to put it anywhere we want. it's like buying a book and photo-copying it. as long as we don't distribute to others, we didn't infringe any intellectual property rights, isn't it? we just want to protect our original copies and by copying the songs to our player, the musicians, producers and people involved didn't lose any money as long as we don't distribute it. and you notice i keep repeating 'as long as we don't distribute it'. i protect my cds very well. i don't like taking them in and out every time i want to listen, so i put a copy of it in my pc.
in australia, it's legal to have modified xbox, ps2 and such because there are people who want to protect their original copies so after purchasing it, they would make a copy of it and use the copied dvd on their consoles instead of the original ones. i understand that probably because we don't have many people who do that, that's why modified consoles are banned. anyway, i don't play console games but i seriously doubt the law regarding the copying of songs from cd to mp3 player. the lawyer probably didn't hear the host right and made a mistake by answering 'yes' to her question.
so next, i mentioned i lost f.r.i.e.n.d.s and sis wanted to watch it just now. damn... can someone buy me the entire season of f.r.i.e.n.d.s? and sorry, i only want dvd. it would cost no more than $600. so if any kind soul would do this for me, i promise to do *anything you want.
*terms and conditions apply
a 151 bus with aircon? yes, and i mean "a" by the way it is meant to interprete. there seems to be only one airconditioned bus number 151 running in a day and it reaches my stop at around 845, reaches nus at around 950. it has been proven. there's a fixed timing for the airconditioned bus to run and the only day i can catch it is on thursday when my lecture begins at 10am!
that is why i've tried to slot my classes at 8am in the morning because if i leave for school any other time of the day, the afternoon heat + un-airconditioned bus + me sitting at the same seat for over an hour is going to dehydrate me faster than you can say "woah!"
i heard an interesting story today about alan sokal. before i tell you what it is about, try comprehending this passage (not by sokal):
If one examines structuralist socialism, one is faced with a choice: either reject feminism or conclude that the State is elitist. Neocultural deconstructive theory holds that the goal of the reader is social comment. Thus, the characteristic theme of Abian's essay on the textual paradigm of narrative is a pretextual paradox.
able to make any sense of it? to be honest, the above is a chunk of meaningless texts. not because i don't understand a freak thing but it is a randomly generated text and this is the kind of thing that social text publishes! alan sokal (a physicist) was so pissed off at the way people write things that are incomprehensible that he decided to take revenge by writing in "their language". he submitted a meaningless article consisting of really big words and it got published! following that, he announced on his website that the article was a hoax. it proves that, post modernists doesn't know what they are writing or publishing! imagine that article was reviewed by many scholars and editors before publishing and no one found out that it was a bag of crap.
check this out: this page generates meaningless texts that look "awesome" because it's not comprehensible. and you can try to google alan sokal, i'm sure you can find those articles that he submitted.
next, if you're expecting something, no, i'm not telling why i blog but i'm wondering why people blog? of course i have a justifiable reason for doing this but i guess most people do this to update friends of their lives probably - by subjecting themselves to public scrutiny. and that's exactly what is needed but at the same time, something that i pretty much detest. i've decided after all that, 'hey, this really isn't my kind of thing' so i guess this could be the last entry you'll see of here. i'll remove this altogether in probably 2 weeks time so for those who added my link, may i apologise that you'll have to remove it again.
since i'm not going to do this anymore, might as well write more for this last entry. i detest singaporean supervisors especially in the construction industry because i've seen accounts of these people taking advantage and bullying the foreign workers. i shan't say in detail, partly because i'm lazy but these superiors think they are well above the foreign workers and play God (first and last entry i'll be using caps). freak ass shit - pardon my limited vocab - but these are the kinds of people who ought to rot in hell, not free thinkers! i'm not condemning all superiors, only those who do this kind of thing and you know who you are. be prepared for a tough time in hell. with that, i've said my peace...
I noticed a few days ago that i'm actually in the faculty of arts & social sciences, or 'fass' in short. hence, it'd only be logical to say that i'm actually studying arts & social sciences, or 'ass'. it's fun to be studying ass in fass. thankfully we can only get a bachelor in either arts or social sciences and not both or my resume would read 'bachelor in ass'. and it's even worse for those who went on for phd and get a 'phd in ass'. if you are a fan of american tv sitcom f.r.i.e.n.d.s, you would know that phd can mean 'pretty huge dick'. are you thinking about getting a 'phd in ass'?
then, the fact that we use acronyms so extensively dawned on me and it is becoming difficult to comprehend what we are trying to bring across. we can now drive along pie, we used to pay our electricity bills at pub and professionals who aren't happy with their employers may lodge a complaint to mom (something we've been doing since young). and you realise that nothing makes sense when i do away with caps. acronyms have brought about convenience and at the same time, inconvenience. i remember a few years back when my friend, suresh was standing somewhere in town when a foreign worker with a thick indian accent came to him asking, 'excuse me, may i know where's yimka?' if you frown and wonder what crap that is, you are not alone. uncertain if he heard it correctly, suresh requested the man to repeat.
man: yimka
suresh: sorry but i'm not sure
man: ok
but being a singaporean, suresh did not want to give up - how can we not know our geography? so suresh asked if the man has a name card of the place and the man took out a card that read - ymca. are you amazed how this man is able to read ymca as a word? i am!
now back to the spyware case i was talking about in a previous entry, i broke the record again with 5 formats in a day. now, who can beat that? if you would like to set a new record, please call 1800-which-idiot-would-want-to-do-that. i repeat, it's 1800-which-idiot-would-want-to-do-that. our customer service officer will attend to you immediately.
damn crap shit! the only thing that can get me to make more than 1 entry per day is frustration and anger. i really need anger management courses now. i formatted my pc the 5th time (twice today) and i found the shit to the malicious spywares!!! but if i list out the site that has it, i might get sued so i apologise for not listing it out but trust me, the chance of you visiting that site is very low. it's not porn site for sure since porn sites can hit millions of viewers so those of you who visit porn sites regularly, don't worry too much.
and the worst thing is, i lost all my precious wallpapers (my works of art)! yes, i've lost the raw file of shal's wallpaper (thank goodness i have a copy of the jpg file in my notebook but i need the raw file!) and many other wallpapers that i created in the past which includes twins, hoshino mari, ito misaki, kaoru (dir en grey), toshiya (dir en grey), avril lavigne, hoshino kana (with), imai eriko, shinon (gypsy queen) etc. nevermind i deleted many images since i deleted them of my own will but... arhg! i also lost a very precious image of yoshioka miho, ito misaki and 2 precious images of soma akane (not created by me) but it's not as precious as my wallpapers!
then i found ueto aya still intact. what the heck! i'd rather keep my wallpapers than ueto aya's pictorial which i don't even look at. i never thought professional websites would have malwares. now it's my turn to be divine but it's difficult to become divine when i lost close to 15gb of precious files (incl. but not limited to) like clips, images and data - basically all file formats a pc reads. but the greatest consolation is that all my photos are still there. *phew*
so i was clearing my stuff and found something very precious.

yes, i lost my friends to spywares. i've formatted my pc 4 times for the past 2 months due to unwelcomed invasion of spywares to my system and seriously, none of those anti-spywares i installed seem to make things better. finally, i decided that i need to format the entire hdd instead of the boot partition only. making backup was a real hassle so i had to give up 4 full seasons - + miscellaneous - which amounted to 10.4gb of f.r.i.e.n.d.s episodes and many other clips that i wouldn't have cleared off my disk if not for the malicious spywares, or what they call malware. and we say technology benefits mankind.
as a matter of fact, such malicious attacks did bring a point across to me despite not being the main purpose of its existence. i've learnt not to hold on to things that are 'maybe i would use', which i almost never do, or 'i can't bear to throw', when it proves no use to me. hence, i am now in the midst of clearing stuff off my cupboards, drawers so that i would have a neater table and a bedroom that looks like one.
after losing my 'friends', i guess the only alternative is to save for the full dvd sets of which i have been trying to for the past 2 years. let's reminisce on some of the classic conversations we have seen. warning: i might be doing this for every entry as of now.
joey: maybe this bag's for men and women
rachel: that's right! unisex!
joey: i don't need sex, maybe you need sex. i just had sex yesterday.
rachel: nonono... u-n-i-sex
joey: i'm not going to say 'no' to that
haha... i'm feeling down already. imagine losing my friends. when people say you can't live without friends, i totally understand what they mean now.
i'm not a firm believer of horoscope predictions but i find reading it fun. today's straits times said i'm going to get some reward for my hardwork and 'don't be surprised if it comes in the form of money'. i don't really know where this 'hardwork' came from but i sincerely hope some cash is about to come my way.
next, this is becoming more of a speakers' corner for me than an anecdote of my life. i used to wonder why the japanese idolize the west so much. even more than we do. i'm not promoting anglophobes or xenophobes here but it just makes me wonder if it is something good if people around the world begin to idolize one another.
then our conservative upbringing frowns at tactless comments, in-your-face criticisms yet we get amused and all hyped up by the simon cowell kind of straight-forward jabs like kids during halloween when they get uncontrollable over sugar. while we applaud simon's 'never-before-seen-on-tv' personality, we seem to be intolerable of it when it comes to singaporeans. how many of you liked ken lim? when we see the kind of comments he gave, we start doing what we do best - diminish our own kind. comments like 'copy simon cowell one lah' or 'sibei guai lan' starts occupying the streets since singapore idol began.
then a few years back when the japanese-fever came to singapore, we saw our girls go ga-ga over fair-skinned, long-haired boybands - and we couldn't even tell if they are really 'boy' bands. so back to my main point - is this a healthy sign?
definitely, we ought to learn the good practices of other countries such as the japanese' courtesy (they are the best at it) and their technology, not to forget their passion in doing things to such intricate details that i shame at all the projects i have attempted - it's not 'completed' by japanese standards. they set high standards for their quality work and they produce the best works. then the americans are the open-minded kind of people. they befriend everyone. a stranger can talk to you like you've been friends for ages. they are the fun kind of people. and after reading a chapter by Flew. T. on New Media, i realised that despite not having a trend of your own, it is better than the case of s11 where the twin towers no longer provide a path for spiderman to leave his web. the perpetrators obviously didn't idolize the west. and i realised that idolizing is also a form of friendship. if idolizing is the way to peace then go on, start idolizing. you can always start with me if you're lost.
religion is a sensitive topic yet i feel the need to venture into the unchartered territory for purposes that may be unfathomable by religious leaders. like what jimmy said to me, we are very lucky to be in singapore where we may talk about religion openly. perhaps not too openly for (pardon my crude analogy) a penis is still as sensitive with or without the foreskin. so i'm not going to preach nor am i going to attack any religion as i am as respectful of all religions as ever.
i'm a free thinker, or what some people - including my family members and myself - call 'no religion'. yes, we are what i just mentioned, 'no religion' or 'free thinker', whichever you say it, they mean the same though i seriously doubt the term 'no religion'. but i always get people with the misconception that, 'free thinkers' is equivalent to 'atheist'. so much so that, every now and then when i answer to 'what's your religion?', there's always a need to elaborate the fact that i do have my beliefs. no doubt, i am a free thinker but doesn't a free thinker mean i am free to belief in whatever i feel connected to or what i strongly have faith in? and why would we choose to say that 'we have no religion' when obviously we have our beliefs? it's necessary for me to bring across this message because people need to stop telling me i will rot in hell. i have the same beliefs that all taoists and buddhists do, so why am i still a free thinker? it's because we do not follow the restrictions that these religions do. for example, buddhists have to abstain from meat for 2 days every month (how many of you buddhists actually know that?). despite not following such restrictions, we still have faith in what we belief in. we do follow all teachings except from the restrictions that are imposed to devotees. not that we are not devoted - trust me, we can be as devoted or even more devoted than many people - but because of this practice, we do not consider ourselves true buddhists or taoists and that is why we are called 'free thinkers'. as for 'no religion', it's the same, because as of now, there are no known terms or names to define the things that we practice. since this is a very sensitive issue, i need to stress the point that, not using caps on names does not mean i disrespect any of these people. i respect every one as much as every one deserves and you notice i did not mention any holy beings by the terms that require caps because there is totally no excuse for using small letters on the names. so now you believe that i have my beliefs and totally respect my belief.
next, what comes to your mind when i say 'singaporeans'? i'm betting on 'kiasu' and yes, it's a known fact that people are labelling us that way but mum brought something really worth considering to me. how many of you watch sports? how many times have you seen the players fight? and when they cause bodily harm, doesn't it all boil down to being afraid of losing or - in our term - kiasu? among the free-for-alls that you have seen, among the riots that you heard, how many of those are singaporeans? i'd bet one hand is more than enough to count. so now you see, we are not as kiasu as what people say and if we are, it's a healthy form of kiasu-ism. we go for free stuffs not because we are kiasu. we queue up overnight for hello kitty toys not because we are kiasu. the japanese queued up overnight during the launch of playstation2. the americans queued up overnight during the launch of xbox. star wars lovers queued up weeks, even months in advance before the release of episode 3, if i didn't remember wrongly. who said that they are kiasu? no one! why then are we labelled as kiasu for the trivial matters? we are idolizing japan and the west so much that, everything they do is 'oh-so-cool' while we are 'distasteful'. which human being doesn't go for free stuff? remember a few years ago back in germany where there was this shop that offered free tailor-made clothes to customers who go to their shop nude (and i mean head-to-toe nude). did you see how many people turned up? how many people rushed in when the door opened? not to forget every lunar new year, we see people from all over the world with chinese population, pushing and shoving to be the first to place their joss-sticks in the vat of ash powder (if that's what you call it). i'm trying to get people to understand that, we didn't monopolize kiasu-ism, it's everywhere. changing perceptions is part of growing up and we learn as we fall so accept that fact graciously. we are not kiasu.
then people say we are 'kiasi' and sadly, teenagers have been proving us wrong with a high rate of suicidal attempts. no, we do not appreciate such evidences. please stop taking your lives. cherish it because there are no resets or continues. people don't mean it that way when they say 'life is like a game'.
moving on, some of you might have noticed an entry missing from the racks. i removed it because it was a mistake. i told you, blog isn't really my kind of thing. i know nuts about the jargons used hence the misunderstanding happened. besides, it really isn't a worthy entry. not that any of my entries are but that was one of the worst ever to look at. i feel shame whenever i think about it. forgive an ignorant me and you notice i keep asking for forgiveness every time. forgiving may not equate to building a 7-storey pagoda but still, it makes you divine! come on people, i don't need to say this every time, do i?
trust me, i'm not talking about tu madre. tu madre es agradable. anyway, i'm feeling stuck as to which language to go for next. spanish is another matter altogether (by the way, i learnt this sentence from rachel green) because i can't do it for free now so i'm contemplating whether to go for malay next or vietnamese. it costs zilch! i'd like to hear your opinion. it doesn't really matter if we do not know each other. every vote is viewed with respect. if you have some other opinions, feel free to voice it. drop me a message below. compose some melodies people! get some music together!
so i went to the japanese studies society and it was *zzz*. i thought this president of the japanese karaoke subclub liked to entertain himself. he was living in his own world when a video of him singing luna sea's gravity was being shown. suddenly, he possessed himself and starting singing to the video. his counterpart apparently enjoyed putting him on display announced that he passed jlpt level 1, 3 times! i totally saw him do a david blain levitation when that was announced. yes, i'm impressed but, which idiot takes it every year after passing? by greek definition, an 'idiot' is someone who has 'no interest in politics'. i'm not a greek.
perhaps i am plain jealous of him, you'd say. i think i'm envious, not so much jealous. because seriously, being able to pass 3 shows how much command he has of the language and give credit where credit is due! god knows how many times he took to pass 3 but at least he passed. i didn't even make the 60% mark.
on the way to lt14 (actually as4/0328), we walked pass the guitar club. they look like they really know their stuff. i should've joined maybe, so i can pick up some tips from them. i still suck at my guitar (not literally). at the end of the day, i have no cca. i seriously need some credibility for next year's scholarship application but there are no ccas that caught my attention as of now.
next, guang is totally crazy about schnappi (some dinosaur cartoon from germany). i won't be surprised if he ends up taking some paleontology courses. dr. ross guang. or should i say guang gellar?
so you see? that's me - albeit a lousy one. i make mistakes in every entry:
1) i make long entries that people don't have the patience to finish reading - i wonder why you're here too -
2) i talk about the wrong things - past or present -
3) i keep talking about forgiving and being divine - i promise not to do that anymore.
so if you'll forgive me again, alexander pope is sure you'll be divine.
i wouldn't have realised if the 'witness' hadn't shown up himself. he talked to me about my blog and suddenly it occured to me that he knows the reason behind my blog. that's it, i had to silence him before he leaks it out to any one of you guys. some of you don't even know him but crap, i have to make sure he doesn't talk. and like they say, the rest is history - whoever said something has to happen in history?
i had wanted to get this entry in tonight because i'm supposed to meet alwin in school later for the japanese studies society welcome tea, which by now, i am still seriously wondering where he found the information. anyway, i felt like i was in camp while strolling around school aimlessly for 2 hours in the morning. i realised that time passes really slowly so i decided to hail a cab home - whoever said that decisions have to be carried out? - i took a bus.
well, for those who read my 2nd entry about 'a mistake + a girl called janice', don't be too quick to jump to conclusion. this time, i didn't meet anyone who looks like ross' son, ben. instead, i met our ben. or cornelius, if you should call him by that name. i was quite surprised and he was like, 'it's fated'. because if he had entered the hall from another door, he wouldn't have found me. and if i hadn't been 1 minute late for class, he wouldn't have found me at where i was sitting. most importantly, i wasn't even supposed to be taking this module in the first place! i decided to drop my language module for this and it really is fate that we met again. i'm beginning to suspect he was one of the jews i exterminated when i was hitler. how else do you explain this? and i thought it's all over since we left poly and here it is again. may i apologise for hitler's actions... please allow me to repent.
things have been going fine so far this year. and the best thing is probably the japanese speech contest 2005 which i've tried for 3 whole years before getting into the finals! nevermind i didn't do well, but it was amazing enough that i managed to get on stage. now i'm suspecting i was michael jordan. oh... he's still alive? my apologies once again.
just so i get protected from any malicious attacks, i'd like to bring the point across to all that everything mentioned about hitler, jews and michael jordan are fictitious (except that jordan is really still alive) and for the sole purpose of a slight humour. if you think that it's in bad taste or a case of humour at its worst, may i apologise. remember, ' forgive, divine'
so i made another mistake in the previous post. anyone feeling divine already?
people have been asking me the same questions and telling me the same things over and over again. things like, 'you are the last person i would expect to start a blog', 'why did you start a blog?'. i'd like to tell one more time that i couldn't believe i did this too but there's a reason why i did this. of course, one reason's to keep my friends local / overseas updated of my being. as for other reasons, i'll tell it some day. not now so please don't ask already. your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
talking about being divine, i heard an interesting joke today:
there was this boy who finally got his driver's license and was eager to start driving. his father, a clergyman working at a church went home one day to find his son rushing up to him saying, 'dad, can we talk about the usage of our car?'
his father said, 'sure! come to my room and we'll talk.' so into the room they went and before the son could say anything, his father told him, 'you want to talk about using the family car? do me 3 things and i'll talk to you about the car. 1) do well for your exams. 2) read the bible. 3) get a hair cut.' so the son went out the room without saying anything.
a few weeks later, he went back to his father's room (not that the father was sitting there all the while) and saw his father sitting at his table. calmly, he walked over to the table. his father said to him, 'very good. your grades have gone up, you have been reading the bible dilligently, but you didn't get a hair cut!' so the son replied, 'well, i thought it's ok to have long hair. moses had long hair and even jesus had long hair.' so his father said, 'you have a point there... and they walked everywhere they went.'
haha... not funny? well, i thought it was nice, so i went to the net and searched for something not expecting results like 'the real jesus didn't have long hair' to come up. but it was interesting to see different opinions.
i realised that if i stopped repeating myself, this blog would hardly make the cut for 'a life revolving around music and languages' so here it is once again: an online japanese course at and not to forget shal at and you notice that i get lazier and lazier to talk about these 2 in detail because repeating things is not my kind of thing but i'll do it for shal.

no, that's not shal of course. that's nakashima mika. that's right, i'm sure you can guess where she's from. she's from china... -_- obviously not... she's from england. anyway, alwin was telling me about this new comic book about a rocker who takes drugs and everything not nice but he thought it's a cool book with interesting band stuff plus, with a movie coming up with an actress this attractive, it's hard not to give it a second look. i hope it comes to singapore real soon, so i can catch it. anyone game?
i realised it was a mistake to have a long entry because people have short attention span + even shorter on the internet.
first day of school today and i didn't expect to make any friends. not that i'm not sociable, neither am i. first lecture at 8am in the morning. i didn't have a very good sleep the previous night but i managed to reach in time. so as things turn out, i did make a friend today. what seems to be a doppelganger of the janice - chandler's janice - in american sitcom f.r.i.e.n.d.s sat beside me. she is a friendly girl and quite an approachable person it seems, but the uncanny resemblance to janice plus her similar - not identical - voice totally brought janice to my mind. thankfully she didn't say 'oh my god'. i remember that her name starts with 'sh' - not shanice in case you're wondering.
after lecture, i went to town in an attempt to get shal sagan's album but it turns out according to what i expected. shal only distributed to tower in malaysia. i didn't try tower anyway, i went to hmv and this cashier was seriously doubting herself, wondering if she made a spelling mistake, checking with me again and again 's-h-a-l-s-a-g-a-n' followed by 'i'm afraid we don't have it'. well, i expected that and it's not the first time i did something like that. years back when i was with jun in search of the only copy of aliene ma'riage's album we knew someone hid it somewhere, we still went to ask if there's a copy. this helpful guy then checked the system that returned 1 hit and tried to find it for us at the place it was supposed to be. but we know it's not there. *evil* but we didn't do it on purpose - we didn't ask him to find it for us.
then i tried to look for some bag that i can use for school and on the way, i saw yayoi with her friend on the way to work. she definitely looks better each and every time i meet her. perhaps it's because she is not so thin now.
oh and yes, i need to reiterate once more that i do not mean any disrespect to people when i do not use caps on their names. i just like everything small but i still do respect everyone. i guess i'll need to do this everytime until people get used to it. i don't welcome hate mails, you know? and also, in case people missed the previous posts, i'll do this again and again for the next few entries:
for those of you who are interested in learning japanese but are unable to due to time constraints, there's this wonderful site for you to learn online with tutor guidance and it really isn't expensive if you calculate the amount of money you pay per month and the duration of guidance you get. check and for the music lovers, please make a trip to malaysia - or you may buy from cdbaby - shal sagan's first album titled 'a special note'. check them out at
so, i realised my mistake of adding a long entry and the same mistake followed immediately. 'to err is human, to forgive, divine' and i'll give you chances to forgive me with every entry. that'll make you divine.
tell me a million times and i'll still be unable to believe i actually started a blog. it isn't really my kind of thing but somehow, i'm here for reasons i myself could not comprehend. maybe because there are things that i'd like to spread, bring out to the masses which i think would benefit people. i'm not a samaritan by nature, yet somehow it started flowing in my blood some time ago when i wasn't looking. plus, i guess not using english since o levels isn't very good for my language. poly doesn't test on languages and i doubt i'm going to use much in nus and this could prove crucial to preventing my language skills from deteriorating. not that it's wonderful in the first place but it shouldn't go from 'acceptable' to 'poor'. as for the no-caps thing, it's deliberate but i do not mean any disrespect to people when i refer to their names in small letters. i like things small and compact but not tiny. the nano world is not really my cup of tea. imagine having a chip in your body, we are turning from man to machine and when the time comes, newspaper articles would run out of ideas for headlines because lines like 'the lean mean fighting machine' would've become so literal, it creates no impact.
so much for an introduction. that's how things go when i just got it started. gradually, i'll become a minimalist. well, many of my friends, friend's friends, friend's friend's friends i've heard, within a 7-connection frame (which basically includes the 6 billion population) said that they would like to take up language courses like japanese but basically have no time due to work, studies, personal commitments. there's this online site that offers online japanese language courses which isn't really expensive, plus questions may be posted to tutors through email messages, so you guys might want to check it out if you fall in that category. the site is at
music wise, we should try to support local bands, or at least somewhere around the region. i came across this malaysia band somehow and i think it's pretty cool. shal sagan @ check it out. this amazing lady at the age of 21 started her own record label shzogawa records to distribute their first album. she sings, writes, composes, co-produces her songs and plays lead guitar. that's why she made it to my desktop. saya tidak boleh cakap bahasa melayu (i can't speak malay). checkout the wallpaper i made of shal.
